It seeems getting facebook connect to work with google friends connect has been a issue on the minds of most developers and not many of them has came up with an idea solution for it.
After having attended the google hackathon last month and witnessing how patrick got it the two of them to work it got me experimenting with bringing facebook connect and google friends connect to work together for a while now. The site I am working on is Thing To Do Singapore.
Last night I was finally successful at getting the two of them to work together in a somewhat weird kind of way.
Bascially Pages with GFC elements should not be introduced with FBML elements and vice a vice. Such a way would cause it to clash. However since authentication for facebook results in a session storing on the server, one possible method for implementing the two on the same system could be via ajax.
On Things to Do Singapore the default log in is Google Friends Connect. On another page user can log into their facebook accounts using facebook connect.
So once both of these are done, in the event the user generates some contents on the default page, 3 things will happen.
- their facebook status will be updated
- their google friend’s connect activity will be updated
- the twitter main account ThingsToDoSg will be updated.
Additional events that might happen. Suppose the user declares that this entry has more details in a specific blog. The server will automatically do a ping back once the on the server with the blog entry.
In short I am attempting to position Things To Do Singapore as both and aggregator and a disseminator.
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