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Personal mous operandi
- When you draw a line in the sand if someone else crosses the line enforce repercussions
- When laws are not enforced them, they don’t exist
- Plays cards close to vest to keep opponents second guessing
- Values loyalty highly
- find the best people to get the job done and then watch over them
- The side that needs the deal most should walk away with the least
On foreign military
- Long term rivals: China and Russia
- Build up strength of US military as a form of deterrence to avoid necessity for deployment
- Only intervene when US economic interest is served as opposed to a purely ideology driven approach
- Countries that benefitted from US military aid should pay for service
- South Korea
- Germany
- Saudi Arabi
- Japan
- Britain
- On the middle east
- Iran should not be trusted
- their nuclear research program
- their motivation to take over the entire Middle East
- their motivation to wipe out Israel
- See Israel as an ally. Sees the need to ensure balance of power amongst players within the middle east
- The removal of Iraq has a net destabilizing effect on the region
- Keep oil prices in check
- to keep ISIS oil revenue from Iraq and Syria in check
- To insulate theĀ US economy from OPEC’s price setting ability
- To become the largest oil producer in the world so as to overtake Saudi Arabia and Russia so as to keep their economic influence in check
On foreign trade
- Believe in escalating use of sanctions to force other countries to table for negotiations
- US Trade deficit is concerning
- On China
- Have deep respect for the Chinese who are great businessmen
- largest holder of American debt
- Chinese stock markets have too much influence on US stock markets
- 2015 Chinese stock markets collapse caused US Dow Jones to plummet 1,000 points
- Sees China as more dependent on US than US is on China. To utilize this as a leverage
- Discourage other countries from devaluing their currencies against the USD
- Rectify faulty trade arrangements
- China
- Mexico
- Russia
- Iran
- Saudi Arabia
- Willing to utilize economic strength (American consumer) to reward countries that cooperate and punish those that don’t
On the economy
- Believes in a progressive individual taxation system to provide more liquidity for the lower to middle class
- Encourage companies to bring jobs and manufacturing back to the US
- Streamline and lower corporate taxation to encourage companies to bring foreign reserves back to the US
- Reduce corporate taxation to encourage growth of local companies and manufacturing
- To reduce over-regulations to increase growth rate of corporate activities
- Build up of military encourages GDP growth
- Build up of infrastructure encourages GDP growth and facilitates commerce
- On Oil
- To build up the US Shale oil industry
- Create more jobs domestically
On healthcare
- break up virtual state monopolies by insurance companies
- allow competition to make insurance companies compete for their customers
On education
- decentralize control of the educational system to the districts to enforce standards
- mistrust teacher unions’ ability to make sure only the best teachers get the job
On domestic operators
- On reporters
- mistrust political reporters as they generally misrepresent and bias towards sensationalization
- trust financial reporters because dollars and cents are at stake
- build relationship with them to generate free publicity for his ideas
- Views interest of politicians as mis-aligned to interest of people
On immigration
- Wants to retain the best foreign talents within the country and make it easy for them to contribute
- To stem out illegal immigration so as to keep out unqualified immigrants
- To remove the USD1billion/yr cost of keeping foreign criminals in US prison
- Stop the tide of refugee immigrants to reduce the cost and repercussions of supporting them
On guns rights
- 2nd Amendment, gun rights needs to stay intact so that citizens can keep the state in check and have a way of protecting their family
- People with mental health should not be allowed to own guns
- Over regulation is ineffective, criminals do not get their guns via normal routes
On religion
- Believes in the freedom of religion
- Believes Christian ideals is the philosophical foundation of the US