Migrating WordPress sites from One Hosting Service to another

Recently I have been building a lot of wordpress sites. Mostly I start building them on my local testing server. Thereafter when all the developement and testing has been done, I will migrate them to the live servers of clients.

here are the two normal things to look out for when doing migration of wordpress sites for them to work properly in a different server

First place to look at is the wp-config.php file

You need to change the following

define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘your_database_name’);

/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘your_user_login’);

/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘your_user_password’);

/** MySQL hostname */
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

The localhost might be something depending on the configuration of the live server.

Next you need to do some changes in the wp_options table

Change entry option_value with corresponding option_value upload_path” to the root path to your wordpress installation.

To find out the root path simply create a php file with the following syntax and dump in it to the root folder and run it.

$p = getcwd();
echo $p;

Hopefully this is helpful

Every one has something to say – use a blog!

Recently I met a religio while on the bus on my way home. She took my contact number and started sending me lots of religious messages. Being a free thinker, most of these messages just came into my phone and went into the trash folder. It was just too long to read over an SMS. and I hate longs SMS s over the phone.

Then it occurred to me, I thought hey all these efforts by her should not be going to waste. so what happens immediately after that was that I set up a blog for her at adonis.name1price.com for her to send her message out to the world.

Now, my phone avoids getting overloaded with mesages not related to my essential day to day operations and at the same time she gains access to the whole world’s audience. And the whole world’s audiences may finally get themselves some salvation if indeed they are looking for some.

Who knows she with her vigor might just turn out to be the next Anthony Robbins or Robert Kiyosaki!