Book summary: the springboard

  • Opening with a story gives the listeners an invitation into the context while by-passing prior frames the users might be grounded in
    • help establish new connections and patterns in listener’s existing information, attitudes and perceptions
  • Structured form of documentation becomes unwieldy really fast.
  • just enough and just in time instead of a fire hose
  • catapult these audience to a conceptual destiny that they are happily helping to invent
  • utilize analogy that audience is already familiar with
  • Need to appeal to their emotion that doing would feel better than not doing
  • spark the audience to create the solution themselves
    • learn to accept the possible good potential created by group’s creativity instead of fearing loss of control
  • Format: 29 words or 200 bytes long
    • Tell story as simply and briefly as possible
  • Vision/wisdom is built up small step by small step from most irrational beginnings, The uses of enchantment, Bruno Bettelheim

Further references:

  • A room of one’s own by Sven Birkerts
  • The fate of reading in an electronic age by Sven Birkerts
  • Nice Gates: Entering the Mind of Peotry by Jane Hirshfield
  • Metaphor and thought by George Lakoff
  • The uses of enchantment by Bruno Bettelheim

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