The brain is conditioned to be caloric conservative
Neo-cortex / awareness tends to be spotty and selective
most stimulus/response loop gets automated to the Limbic brain. Brain’s habit starts forming overtime.
In extreme cases, the habit coalescence into a false identity which the subject subscribes to, a.k.a. the narrative fallacy
That is the threshold beyond when the Limbic brain tendencies becomes too strong for Neo-cortex override.
Addiction – off balanced dopamine pathways
Anxiety – off-balanced adrenaline pathways
Ignorance – signals from sensors not being acknowledged
Constant directing of awareness results in further build up of neural connections between Neo-Coretex and the Limbic Brain, allowing for increased control over output response to environment.
gradually displacing pre-existing programming
Constant practice of equanimity by active observation of sensory inputs and corresponding limbic action help calibrate limbic response overtime
Mind has natural tendency to load memories/thoughts into system when 5 senses are not any state of intense stimulation
Insight Meditation is the most caloric efficient exercise for calibrating the Limbic system through a process of reinforcement learning
As in training neural networks, comprehensive volumes of data needs to be made available for the Neo-Coretex to make the connection between Addiction, Anxiety, Ignorance and corresponding body sensation signature
Speculations on Satori moments described by Monks:
Extreme levels of concentration achieved in the state of meditation
Extensive heat / throbbing is experienced in the forehead section between the eyes
Blinding flash of white light even with eyes closed
Density of neural connection between Neo-Coretex and Limbic brain crosses some arbitrary threshold
cross wiring of generic brain cells commonly utilized for consciously processing sight to observing the inner system
similar to temporal LSD induced mental state but in this case permanent
Religious terminology:
opening of the third eye
System – Dharma
Sila: precepts and morality
Samadhi: concentration and stability of mind on here and now
Pranna: wisdom of self by knowing what is right now happening within the framework of the body.