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Finite game
- is played with the purpose of winning
- must come to an end to determine a winner
- must have precise beginning
- must boundaries
- players all agree to the same set of rules
- play within boundaries
- be serious
- element of surprise forces the game to end
- prize of victory is a title
- contradictory – play to end the play
- the concept of power
- can only be measured after the play
- after what already happened
- freedom person has within the limits
- no nation can go to war until it can find one to go to war against
- Societal conventions forces the repeat of a completed past
Infinite game
- is played with the purpose of continuing the play
- engaged freely by players
- no definite beginning
- no boundaries
- only purpose is to prevent it from coming to an end
- the rules must change in the course of the play
- when it imperils continued play
- to bring as many persons as possible to the play
- play with boundaries
- be playful – learning to start something we cannot finish
- each surprise reveals a new beginning
- paradoxical – players play so as to continue the play in other
- the concept of strength
- cannot be measured
- freedom person has with manipulating the limits
- only that which can change can continue
- Culture opens the possibility of new beginnings and new interpretation
- Silencing of the voice
- prevent of continued play
- restriction of all play to one or another finite game
Other concepts
- life is fluid
- Touching versus moving
- touch when I respond from my own center
- moved when you bring me towards your foreseen and prepared place
- The goal of technology is to eliminate itself from the subjective experience by making itself scarce and barely noticeable
- One does not bring change to the garden but come to it prepared for change
- so is travel
- travelers travel not to overcome distance but to discover distance
- Waste exist in the mind of the creator. Nature has no concept of waste
- Resonance versus amplification
- coming from within versus coming from without