During the 10 day retreat, the first three days is focused on breathing while the next seven days are focused on observing sensations in the body
The first set helps settle the mind.
The second set is where the Vipassana practice happens
During the second set, practitioners come to realize the way we experience the world is via our senses. We realize through our senses we get conditioned. Through our prior conditioning we form inner tension that become hard wired overtime with auto responses that we are not aware of, that which we call habits.
During this set, we observe these inner tension as they arise and also their impermanence as they dissipate through our mindful attention.
Through this continuous practice of observing the arising and dissipation of these inner tension, we start cutting our habits. We unwire our prior responses to anger, hatred and envy. We unwire our clinging on to happiness, bliss and peace. We start to see all these phenomena as impermanent mental states.