hire people that want to be there because of the mission
set salary at below the top of the market as an acid test
don’t compete based on compensation
hire people where you can find them. Hire them and hire their friends. Setup the office where they are in the world and how they want to live their lives
New Zealand
focus on being asymmetrical to competitors
Microsoft IE did not know how to respond to Mozilla which looked like swamp of political activists
A community needs to look strong enough that it matters and weak enough that people think if they need to contribute
how to give assets away that competitors can’t do
Get community to own more and more stuff
After product market fit relationships change
Google was originally supportive
Started seeing threats
LinkedIn – drive growth through promise of value when we achieve the vision
Start showing up and focus on working on things that matter
Setting goals
set it
monitor whether we hit it or not
figure out how to get better at setting goals
Hitting 71% of goals – seems about right
Hitting 100% of goals – not stretching enough
Market share
a lagging indicator
can keep going up even when fundamentals sucks
drive growth through value – LinkedIn
Team A and Team B
Team A is focused on building and delivering the product –
Product managers
Team B is focused on protecting the people in Team A from distractions