The surest cure to all forms of narrative fallacy

The problem with the limbic brain is that it is too susceptible to narratives. To the extent it gets bogged down by narratives of any sorts, the person losses its ability to fluidly respond to arising circumstances.

The only way out is to mitigate the binding effects of narratives. The surest way to do so is by short circuiting all lesser narratives by the most fundamental of narratives and realigning all resource allocation backwards from that single North Star. Your imminent Death. Yes, in case you don’t remember your biological body will inevitably become depleted of life force after a fixed number of biochemical cycles.

Death is your best friend, it forces you to figure out your deepest most fundamental truth. In the face of Death, all other lesser narratives fade away. In the face of Death, there is no longer any inhabitation. In the face of Death, you gain the ultimate Freedom to expend your remaining biochemical cycles based on your core fundamental truth.

Death is your best friend who watches your back day and night. It is also the best antidote to all marketing, propaganda and bullshit.

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