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The Truth Machine, Michael J.Casey
- Blockchains are decentralized ledger systems
- trust is a vital social resource, the truth lubricant of human interaction
- human social organization comes from our ability to craft meaningful stories that we all believe, Yuval Noah Harrari
- Engineering talent is still in severe shortage
Three great power centers in US
- Technology, Silicon Valley
- Finance, New York
- Government, Washington
Use cases
- Refugees are thrust into statelessness. Easy for criminal exploitation
- Removing the central silos such Uber, Facebook and Twitter and replacing them with
- barter trade, double entry
- Support the scaling internet of things while avoiding one central controlling big brother
- Self-sovereign identity
- priorly done by government,
- now done by Facebook Google and Twitter
Types of blockchains
- private permissioned block chain to protect sensitive information
- gate keeping prone to monopolies and oligopolies
- permissionless block chain where management of data is done by individual themselves
Most popular chains
Moon shot scenario
- Technology has freed humans from work
- Human free to focus on creativity instead of the drudgery of work
- Getting paid for creativity instead of it being captured by Facebook