Radical Candor/Transparency
It is hard but it works – needs to be tampered with empathy
On being product focused
- Consulting is limited by time and people – not scalable
- Effective Product-focused business
- reach
- scalability
- Start with a product informed by your consulting – real life problems others face
Impediment to shifting focus
- Too comfortable
- not enough time
- difficulty finding the right customers for the product
On being a founder
- Great founders enable a vision
- forget about being hands on most of the time
- job scope changes every six months – for any road block encountered focus on sufficing the requirements instead of perfecting it
- you rarely get to do what you love to do
- be cognizant on when to lead and when not to – have the specialist do the job
- Cultivate self awareness in strength and weakness – structure company to work around them
- Attribute of founder is instilled with near-permanence in the organization while those of supporting team fluctuates
- the hardest parts of the business is less a reflection about the business than about the person experiencing them
- Build expertise before building network, build network before building company
- Focus on and reward the behavior, let the outcome take care of itself
On Values
- Authentic values force hard decisions – held to be more important than money
- have real costs: Impede certain behavior and strategy
- Values are discovered instead of set
- Used as a yard stick for recruiting new members to the cause. Helps get pass the competence versus cultural fit dilemma
On recruiting
- CTO should be those that should be oriented towards education instead of shielding you from the nitty gritty details (black box)
- Use your value system as a yard stick
- Hiring for diversity will make the mental model of the organization more holistic
- Great managers / coaches might not be great individual contributors
On markets and pivots
- Pivots Are expensive don’t make it a habit – only resort to this tactic when the original hypothesis is not longer valid
- focus on the market and then find a field ignored by others because it appears unsexy. From there craft a solution
- Err on the side of execution
On investors
- Need to take money for the right reason
- Investors interest will tend to get out of alignment overtime (return multiples and investment horizons)
- 80 percent of returns are by 20 percent of investments
- They need at least a 10X to break even in a position for all the other losing positions they took
- They don’t bring much value to the table
- follow up with CEOs they invested in to understand how they react in a shit storm
- Can help provide information on salary ranges
Choosing a market
- If you can keep your ego in check you can chase after smaller markets and don’t need VC money
- Great ideas are born of mediocre ideas that become better by
- time spent iterating
- humility learning
- surviving
- look for searches that indicate problems
- Google Adwords
- Moz’s keyword Explorer
Knowing your customers
Defining your user base
- Call 3 different types of users
- Find out why they subscribed and stayed
- Craft messaging toward this group of people
Discounts are a doubled edged sword – while they might attract signups, these folks tend to have a higher churn rate
Schedule regular interactions with your user so that you can understand their habits. It helps you get to an empathetic position with them.
On Products
- Feature set needs to be coherent enough to be able to deliver value
- Early adopters
- have very different expectation as compared to early majority –
- hence more forgiving
- ok accepting MVP
- Retention triumphs acquisition any day
- Optimize for acquisition loops that reinforces the UVP instead of linear acquisition channels
Focused Execution
- Practice the discipline of focus.
- Important to Focus and not waver around unnecessarily. Its a waste of resources
- A very focused and simplified product offering will help users to more easily understand and adopt it
- Helps keep teams lean as a by-product
- ROA improves dramatically
- helps avoid future layoffs
- Focus on what will not change in the next 10 years
Related references
- Lean Startup, Eric Ries
- Sprint, Jake Knapp
- Venture Deals, Brad Feld