Inputs from Ilya on loss aversion and reversion to mean trading strategy

  • The key hypothesis: customers of established companies with short term negative sentiment are more sticky that assumed
  • The key ratio of concern will be the Sharpe ratio measured by monthly average as well as yearly average
  • To bench mark against S&P index to figure out if there is in fact an Alpha when deploying such strategy
  • Fund clients expect a returns during market down turns as well as during bull markets
  • need to figure out how to avoid the buy trigger which will continuously trigger 2.5% losses during a period of market downturn.
  • A good way to hedge and generate leverage would be to short the same amount on the S&P index (SPY) every time you attempt buy into a position utilizing the strategy.
  • Miscellaneous to take into account
    • dividend paid out by S&P index as well as any paid out by strategy
      • Average dividend for the S&P is 2%
    • Standard deviation for S&P versus strategy
      • S&P standard deviation is 0.9%
    • Transactions cost
    • borrowing cost for shorting S&P during period

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