Key take aways
- Spread of inequality where some countries have the ability to harness AI while others don’t
- AI based recommendation systems moving from being just an oracle to becoming a sovereign
- AI as a tool is an amplifier
- concerns that it will benefit totalitarianism more than democracy leading to totalitarianism becoming a more favorable governance model worldwide
- surveillance
- psychological manipulation – the inability to know your true self through your thoughts
- what happens if morality and expediency diverge when it comes to governance
- Effectiveness of curbing the negative effects of AI by encoding values within policy frameworks governing these AI based systems
- Companies based in Democratic countries will encode democratic values within their systems vice versa for Totalitarian countries
- Personalization versus Fragmentation
- when everyone in a country chooses his own community that is mainly online there is no longer a glue holding the local community together
- Long term versus short term
- The long term benefits might come sooner than expected when taking a short term trade off