Reflections on conversation on the topic of freedom

Started questioning this propaganda that has been widely accepted. The notion of going to work everyday with the hope of acquiring resources to eventually gain financial freedom, independence and autonomy.

Four main concerns identified:

  1. giving up on now in hope that the future will become better
  2. unrealistic expectations that one will no longer need to deal with resource constrains at some point in the future
  3. mistaken belief that one can ever function independently of society
  4. diversion of the precious commodity called time/effort towards goals not aligned with personal intent

Reminder to self

  1. Free Will in terms of personal resource allocation exists. While this may not necessarily be true in the moment by moment short run due to immediate situational constrains, true across other time periods.
  2. Critically examine all conscious or unconscious choices you are making in every single  moment.
  3. Rectify your decisions immediately when they are out of alignment with your goals
  4. Embrace constrains and make deliberate  trade offs.
  5. Beware of sunk cost biases – avoid committing any further additional resources/time to objectives not aligned with personal goals

Sources: gleaned from conversations with Tony and Sujit

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