- Principles: fundamental truths that serve as foundations for behavior to help you get what you want out of life, reused in similar situations
- open minded
- clear headed
- courage of application
- deal with only people who share same values reduce misunderstanding and conflict
- systemize decision making process
- two distinct roles
- see yourself as designer of machine
- see yourself as worker with your machine
- Make decisions as expected value calculation
- two distinct roles
- mediation: calm open mindedness to think more clearly and creatively
- Jobs was also doing it
- two brains which fight
- upper logical brain
- lower emotional brain
- Reconcile feelings with thinking
- See clearly what your priorities/goals are and act base on this
- warning: money has no intrinsic value
- do not confuse desires/wants for goals/must haves
- Understand the reasoning of the smartest people who disagree with you
- Maturity: reject good opportunity to pursue even better ones
- make a handful of uncorrelated bets that are balanced and leveraged well is the surest way of having a lot of upsides without being exposed to unacceptable down-side
- Mutually exclusive: Being radically truthful with each other versus being happy and satisfied
- When faced with two choices that are seemingly at odds, go slowly to figure out how to get as much of both as possible
- Shapers
- independent thinkers
- don’t let anyone or anything stand in their way of achieving their goals
- strong mental maps of how things should be done
- willingness to test these mental maps – open to change
- extreme resilience
- cultivate a wider range of vision than most or get those through others
- lack of domain knowledge: start reading more books
- types: inventors or managers
- If conflicts get resolved before they become acute, there will be no need for heros
- heroes: given his life to something bigger or other than himself. Along the way they suffer set backs
- Jim Collins: put a capable CEO in place, a capable governance system to replace CEO if they are not capable
- Success does not automatically transfer to new roles
- what is Courage?
- Successful life = Dreams + 1) Reality + Determination
- evolution: life’s greatest accomplishment and reward
- rapid trial and error
- watch out for second and third order impact
- 3) don’t overweigh first order impact
- Progress = Pain + Reflection
- 5) accept responsibility of bad outcome
- 2) don’t worry about looking good
- 4) accept pain
- Dealing with weakness
- deny
- accept and work to compensate – build your skillset
- accept and find ways around – get others to help – Easiest Path
- change what you are going after
- PS: doesn’t matter so long as you find solution
- Successful life = Dreams + 1) Reality + Determination
- Good mental maps leads to being good at what you do
- Choose habits well
- cultivate good ones eradicate bad ones
- execute without needing to think
Reference Books
- The hero with a thousand faces, Joseph Campbell
- The lessons of history, Will and Ariel Durant
- River out of Eden, Richard Dawkins
- On the role of individual in history, Georgi Plekhanov
- Subliminal, Leonard Mlodinow
- The meaning of human existence, Edward O Wilson
- Beyond Religion, Dalai Lama
- The Power of Habit, Charles Duhiggs