Benchmarking customer success

It’s been observed that the following when successfully executed elicits a very high level of customer satisfaction from users of GetData.IO.

  1. Users must get the data they need
  2. Users must feel the service to be warm, personable and responsive
  3. Users must find the service easy to use
  4. Users must find the service affordable

To ensure we continuously compound the momentum of the project in the above defined dimensions so as to achieve our mission, we need to set the correct trajectory by first defining clearly our core values.

  1. Be empathetic to user needs
  2. Be data driven with our decisions
  3. Be conscientious with our daily task
  4. Be frugal with our expenditure
  5. Be impartial with our relationships

Our job is thus to move the needle slightly everyday always in the right direction. The defensive moat in terms of network effects and brand differentiation should build up overtime as a by-product of our consistent efforts

Useful references

  • The everything store, Jeff Bezos and the Age Of Amazon
  • Blitzscaling Episode 18 – AirBnb
  • AliBaBa, The House that Jack Ma built
  • Snowball, Warren Buffet and the business of life
  • The compound effect, Hardy Darren
  • Mountains beyond mountains: The quest of Doctor Paul Farmer


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