The same set of raw facts can be used to construct a really positive story or a really negative one. Choose your frame wisely.
Ethics is not universal, but restricted for application only on a group. In domains where ethics don’t exist, Might means right applies.
Do not count on continued gratitude and love from the crowd. They will just as soon turn against you as they would worship you
When dealing within conflict first elicit all existing context, thereafter make your case by applying clear logic and consistent argument.
Be wary of individuals with dubious characters. If anything, you can always trust them to stay dubious.
Market is not always readily available. There needs to be willing buyers and willing sellers
The vision will stay the same while the nitty gritty details should remain flexible to cater to changes as required.
Timing is important. Some times are not conducive for specific activities while others are. The use of sacrifice /blood magic should be helpful in decipheringbthe present moment given a clear binary frame.