
Nice! Alena is once again up to her emotional non-sense and at the most inappropriate of times. The point for argument is so stupid. She says she being a patriot of China will not allow anyone to bad mouth China in front of her. She believes after her learning of English she will potentially get to hear more negative messages about China spoken in English, basically from those among my friends who are Americans, Japanese and Taiwanese. (Nationalities of whom countries have conflicts of interest with China) Further emphasizing she will even have no qualms against getting physical with those of the less cultured and uncouth category.

While her sense of loyalty is amicable, the whole issue remains pointless. Who amongst my friends would be so insensitive and brainless as to bad mouth another individuals’ country in front of him without stating a valid point for argument, and hope to remain a friend of mine. It is not a habit of mine wasting my time befriending brainless fools.

And she has the gall to fault me for withholding to part take in this nonsensical venture of her’s, threatening once against to leave if the situation ever happens and I did as I said I would (to stand aside and not get involved in the politics and affairs between citizens of other countries). There are more important things to worry about. Money is needed to make ends meet for the both of us and we are seriously short of it. Interestingly, I am the one doing work while she is doing the free riding. What right does she have spending her spare effort and free time creating such nonsense and throwing it at me, thereafter assigning the fault unto me. That FOOL!

Tonight I shall refrain from communicating to her, neither will I tomorrow, or the rest of this week, for fear of spouting any words, phrases, sentences damaging to our relationship in the heat of my anger. Silence! is indeed golden, ever more so when my whole being is so in rage and the only thing keeping it in check is but my will.

Women, they have it easy. They can bitch all want about anything, anywhere, anytime, suffering not any consequences. It is their right to bitch. Society has given them a valid license to bitch.

Men! to be men is not easy. Any verbal expressions backed by neither reason, nor logical, but purely emotions is frowned upon by society. They will be considered weak, thus exposing themselves to attacks and assults from those around them. They die really fast that way. For men the only retreat then is silence and the only way forward is action.

Silence is my choice for the day. Action is uncalled for. The rage however listens not to logic, it has a mind of its own. Keep it locked. Lest it does unnecessary damage.

Thus explained is the main reason of the ten years life expectancy differences between a male human and a female human. Females are not compelled by society to keep their non-sense pent up within. They have every right to voice it out however illogical and nonsensical it is, and fault the opposing party for not seeing her logic, or ill-logic. Men being men has no choice but to do otherwise. This rage is like a silent time bomb, it is not good for health.

Tonight will be a sleepless night. Sleep will not come while my blood continues to boil. Damn that BITCH!