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- staying alive for every species requires livable collaboration
- scalability is not an ordinary feature of nature and requires a lot of work
- expect interactions between scalable and non-scalable projects
- The bulk of the work is threading through the non-scalable to reach the scalable
On the middle man
- a necessary consummate translator within the supply chain
- he maintains a mental map of who needs what
- helps efficiently route the inventory to the most suitable individual
On Freedom
- it is the concept of not having to be a cog in the machine.
- it does not necessarily lead to great economic outcome for the pursuing individual
- it allows the individual the ability to freely allocate the use of his time
The matsutake mushroom
- along most parts of supply chain it symbolizes a social exchange which strengthens social ties
- it is only during the sorting when the mushroom is looked at purely as a commodity
Man and nature
- The satoyama revitalization
- man is part of nature
- man’s disturbance to nature is part of nature
- unintentional design is the interplay of man and nature
- animal/human activities/disturbance
- pine tree growth
- matsutake mushroom colonization and growth