Lee Kuan Yew, Interviews and selections by Graham Allison and Robert D Black Will with Ali Wyne

Key take aways

  • An political system that yield’s inferior economic performance will ultimately be discarded
    • leadership succession is the most part of any political system
    • contest between great powers in the 21st century will over economy and technology as opposed to military
    • The war for talent is the most critical competition in the 21st century
  • Three attributes vital in competition between nations and companies
    • entrepreneurship
    • people’s innovativeness
    • management
  • Core competencies for workers in the future
    • own control system
    • self supervision
    • responsibility to self upgrade
    • self discipline
  • Globalization cannot be reversed
    • the underlying driver is technology
    • better and cheaper transportation and communication will only accelerate its pace
  • On leadership
    • learn to ignore (quasi) experts and their pet theories
    • ignore how people will judge you, especially news
    • a popular government does not need to be popular all the time. Just make at the end of each term sufficient benefits have been realized from the unpopular decision
    • if no one is afraid of you, you are meaningless
  • On balancing society
    • when a society is too geared towards competition then group solidarity becomes weak
    • when a society has wealth that is too evenly distributed there is no incentive for the individual to make progress
    • no two individuals are equal
  • Elements needed for social progress
    • determined leadership
    • efficient administration
    • social discipline
  • On governing
    • find practical, not doctrinal, solutions to our problems of growth and development
    • get things done and leave others to extract principles from my successful solutions
    • if same solution is observed to work multiple times then it makes sense to spend time extracting the underlying principles (quite similar to George Soro’s practice of invest first and research later)

On China

  • China will reorganize, reeducate and train themselves to become a high tech society within 50-100 years. Main advantage is in economic influence
  • Key challenge for China over the next 30-50 years is the ability to attract talent
  • China’s official language is Chinese is a very arcane one. The world’s knowledge is all encoded in English. This presents a great barrier to China’s ability to attract and assimilate talent

On America

  • Its key advantage is its frontier society mindset.
    • An entrepreneurial culture of continuous self disruption
    • 1980s Japan and Germany eclipsed America in manufacturing before it came roaring back
    • individualistic and nonconformist society which encourages more extreme and random behavior which results in more creativity and inventiveness
  • Ability to attract and assimilate talents from around the world

On India

  • Too much red tapes

On terrorism

  • Is less a concern of Muslim versus the west but more modern Muslims versus radical muslims

Related references

  • The Fatal Conceit: Errors of Socialism, Friedrich Hayek
  • The alchemy of finance, George Soros

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