Insights from evening with Wine and Jam session with Adriene and Dennis, Birthday party with Konstantine
From Tommaso on Machine Learning – Economics
Study was done on Italy
Voting patterns can be leading indicators for credit spread
When a political party is stable, Eigen distance between votes of party members will cluster together, even for bills that are not critical for parties
When a political party becomes unstable, the Eigen distance between vote on non-critical bills by party members will increase
Alignment will increase before a wild swing to misalignment
periods of high alignment leads to very tight credit spread
tight credit spread indicates a very high price for bond
Misalignment will decrease before consolidation towards alignment
periods of low alignment leads to very wide credit spread
wide credit spread indicates a very low price for bond
proposed strategy:
when alignments increase, short bonds in anticipation for forthcoming misalignment
when misalignments increase, long bonds in anticipation for forthcoming alignment
From Tommaso on Machine Learning – Micro-biology
Started studying how presence specific bacteria affects health at an aggregate level
Studying ancestral tree of bacterias help estimate the distribution of bacteria in the gut of different individuals
On sales
Mormons are one of the best sales people due to their coming to age ritual.
They typically will get rejected many many times during their passing through rite
On human cyborgs
Neil Harbisson is an artist who is color blind, he implanted a device into his brain which allows him to see colors
On hardware and biotech with Andrew
To design printed circuit board install IDE which allows easy assembly, simulation and coding – DesignSpark
Firmware for micro-processors are written in C. Firmware controls where signals are past to when incoming signals are received
Micro-processors are installed on circuit board
Can be printed in China and shipped over in 5 days – PCBWay
BioCurious and another biotech hacker space up in Berkeley have managed to train yeast to product cocaine and THC