The use of Zen as a tool for work and as a philosophy in everyday life

Recently my schedule became more and more hectic with assignments of drastically differing nature packed back to back.

Gradually I started to feel acutely the ineffectiveness on my part when I kepts thoughts from a previous assignment on my mind when I started working on an assignment occupying the next occuring time slot. Unconciously,  I started engaging myself in this mental practise which I came across many times in Zen literature as well as in modern literature works by Japanese Authors (Eiji Yoshikawa and Haruki Murakami).

Prior to the start of any time slot when an assignment was supposed to occur, I would mentally empty all thoughts in my mind and pictured myself as one with the work that will occur. Forgetting all notions of the past and the future.

When the past is forgotten, one forgets that one has ever exerted mental and physical effort in periods shortly past, the mind is not distracted with the notion that one needs rest to recuperate from this recent exertion.

When the future is forgotten, one forgets that one will need to exert more mental and physical effort in the periods shortly to come, hence one does not spare efforts to cater for the future and thus gives one’s all for every minute and second that comes to past.

In this state one enters into a state of trance, the work becomes the self and the self becomes the work. One is thus able to concentrate fully on the work at hand and fully exertly oneself in the task to be accomplished without prejudice for the past, the present, the future and all other manners of distraction that exist in this Saha World.

One interesting after effect I personally felt through this practise was the fact that my mind was able to come forth from my hectic schedules stress free and fresh.

Just the other day, while sitting in McDonalds doing some work, Alena started messaging her friend. Out of boredom she sent her time of birth to her friend for some online fortune telling. She was pretty much amused and tried to convince me to tell her the exact time of my birth promising to share the findings with me. I did so only after getting her to promise that she will get her friend to calculate the time of my passing from this life time as well. She spanked me thinking I was once again joking.

Interestingly she kept quiet and did not talk about the response she received from her friend. When I finally came out from another phase of trance, I asked her for the results. She had this worried look on her face. I forced her to tell me my fortune readings.

Strangely it conincided with what I have been thinking of for the longest time.

“Men born at this time, mostly reside within the temples and meditate from dusk to dawn.” was the fortune reading

“Well, I guess it will soon be over between you and me. Perhaps we should part soon. ” I joked.

She spanked me once again, but felt deeply worried about my wanton nature towards people in my personal life.

I suddenly recalled this psychic whom I met back at the Spiritualist church in London who had this strange vision when he first saw me of this smiling tibetan monk and a golden thread with four notes (knots) on it and a fifth missing. Probably the same monk whom I “imagined” when Sian tried to brought me on a stroll on the spiritual planes back when I was staying at her place in London.

Perhaps that is me in the future beckoning to the me in the present, the only divide being that missing fifth note (knot) on the golden thread. I wonder what that might be. It is all up for speculation actually

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