Observed unwinding of credit in the market


  • Federal reserve starts reducing debt bought and brought onto their balance sheet during 2008
  • Federal reserve went on a series of interest rate hike from the period of 2016 to 2018
  • Trump starts Trade war in 2017 resulting in reduced global demand for American exports

Liquidity concerns experienced in sections of the markets around the world

Riots and unrest

Related readings


Thoughts of various asset class type and their usage

Investment environment parameters

  • Economic cycle
    • boom
    • recession
  • Inflation rates
    • High
    • Low
  • Currency type
    • Reserved currency
    • Non reserved currency
  • Exchange rates regime for non reserved currency owners
    • Fixed exchanges rate
    • Floating exchange rates
  • Recession type
    • (hyper) inflationary
    • deflationary
  • Federal reserve monetary policy
    • restrictive
    • expansive

Asset class types

Government bonds

  • good position to hold when government is unlikely to default and threat of inflationary recession looms
    • interest rates are inflation adjusted
  • high opportunity cost to hold position when economy is booming


  • good position to hold when hyper deleveraging is occurring within the system and Federal reserve has not responded with expansionary monetary policy
  • high opportunity cost to hold position when economy is booming

Mortgage REIT

  • good position to hold when threat of deflationary recession looms and the Federal reserve have started loosening monetary policy.
  • a tenuous position to hold during periods of hyper inflation because the interest gets offset by the inflation
  • a tenuous position when the Federal reserve starts tightening monetary policy
  • a tenuous position to hold when over leveraging is rampant within the system
  • high opportunity cost to hold position when the economy is booming

Equity REIT

  • good position to hold when the Federal reserve starts tightening monetary policy.
    • Credit becomes less available and thus more expensive
    • number of construction project drops
    • less supply driving up demand for existing inventory
  • high opportunity cost to hold position when the economy is booming


  • Use as a protection against hyper inflations
  • a tenuous position when the economy is in the early stage growth
    • demand for gold will drop as more funds gets allocated to risk assets
  • a tenuous position when the economic is heading into deflation
    • there is less money/credit within the system as compared to the amount of gold


  • Useful for hedging against outbreak of war
  • a tenuous position when recession and economic activity worldwide slows

Growth companies

  • Useful for riding an economy boom
  • a tenuous position to hold during the late stage of a credit cycle when too much leverage has been built up within the system and valuation is excessive

Value companies

  • Useful for riding a deflationary recession when credit becomes more expensive
  • High opportunity cost when economy is booming.

Related references

Oil’s relationship with the macro economic environment

Price of OILU jumps 34% following news on 50% Saudia Arabian refining capacity destruction by Iranian drones.
At the height of the Oil crash in 2016, USO traded at USD8.33 per share on 2nd August 2016. It has since recovered

The price of oil has an positive correlation with likelihood of war and a booming economy. It has a negative correlation with recession and oversupply.

The price of oil did not hit zero even during the height of the oil crash.

Observations on how public opinion is shaped in the US

Public opinion is observed to be very malleable and fickle. It’s highly susceptible to reshaping by main stream media.

In an unlikely twist of events, what was once presented as a war by the White House against China over trade and national security has overnight morphed to become a fight for American values like democracy, free speech and human rights.

While the ongoing unrest in Hong Kong have provided ample fuel, the tweet by NBA Houston Rockets general manager was the spark that caused the fire.

Related Readings

List of companies that have been heavily punished by macro economic trends to consider for purchase

The following list of companies have experienced major headwinds in the public markets

Enterprise SaaS Large Cap

  1. CRM
  2. WDAY
  3. VMW
  4. PANW
  5. INTU
  6. RHT
  7. ADBE
  8. VEEV
  9. NOW
  10. TEAM

Enterprise SaaS Mid Cap

  1. TWLO
  2. ZS
  3. MDB
  4. PCTY
  5. PD
  6. DOMO
  7. DDOG
  8. ZM
  9. WORK
  10. TEAM
  11. STMP
  12. DBX
  13. CRWD
  14. DOCU
  15. HUBS
  16. ESTC
  17. ZEN
  18. OKTA
  19. SPLK
  20. ZUO
  21. ZEN
  22. HUBS
  23. NET


  1. CTRIP
  2. BABA
  3. JD
  4. BIDU
  5. WB
  6. PDD
  7. SINA


  1. MU
  2. NVDA
  3. AMD
  4. MCHP
  5. INTC
  6. QCOM
  7. AVGO
  8. XLNX

Thoughts on excessive use of leverage

One of worst mistakes I made was during the 2015/6 Oil crash. I bought into shares of oil exploration companies instead of buying the oil directly. 

It was a very painful and expensive mistake. While the price of oil made a nice recovery since then, the exploration companies never made it through to the other side. Majority of them filed for bankruptcy during the height of the crisis. Unfortunately they took on too much debt when the times were good and were unable to finance the debts and ongoing operations through the continued sales of their inventory when situations turned south. 

The lesson learned is that when buying the dip, it’s important to make sure that not just yourself but the underlying assets you hold are resilient to the environment shock. Utilization of excessive leverage reduces the resilience. Over expansion into fancy offices and overstaffing is another form of excessive leverage. Tech startup founders are often caught red handed committing these mistakes. 

With regards to oil, until the world stops relying on plastic, chemical lubricants and switches completely to alternative forms of energy, we should not expect the price of oil to fall to zero anytime soon. 

A simple acid test to figure out the intrinsic value of oil is to ask your neighbor for his tank of gasoline for free. The most likely response you will get from him is a suggestion to go f**k yourself…?!?

Fluid dynamics within the markets

Approximately 10% of all companies listed on Nasdaq and NYSE fell by more than 10% over the past week. Its like a magnitude 5 earthquake happened and the entire market goes into panic mode.

During this occasion, it is fascinating to observe at a macro level the flow of money within the system.

Sources of liquidity

  • the white house administration has cut taxes over the past 2 fiscal years between 2017 and 2018.
  • the Federal reserve increase money supply through the repo market and by lowering interest rates
  • Central banks around the world lower interest rates
  • the high US dollar signals that money from around the world is flowing into the US market

High pressure areas

  • the price of gold moves steadily upwards
  • the price of US Treasury bonds signaled by the fall in US Treasury yield moves steadily upwards
  • the SnP hovers near all time high
  • Companies classified as value stocks are trading at all time high multiples

Anomalous vacuum

  • Companies classified as growth stocks are trading at huge discounts versus all time highs

Once the psychological impact of the current set of stimulus wears off and assuming the supply of money stays constant within the US market, it is very likely money will start flowing from high pressure areas to fill up the anomalous vacuum described above.


LA trip to visit Johnson

  • Textile and clothing companies need to forecast demand to reduce inventory cost
  • Building a team is the most important thing
  • in times of volatility buy put options on VIX and long Gold
  • Small business owners
    • are supporters of protecting US businesses against intellectual property theft by Chinese companies
    • consider Chinese company methods of manipulating accounting statements fraudulent
    • consider news reported in major news networks to be fake
    • consider Democrats to have given away to many privileges to other countries thereby putting the US economy at a disadvantage
  • Real estate development
    •  Bulk of building materials are imported from China and subjected to taxation
    • put on hold until trade war is over to avoid incurring tariffs as production cost
  • Real estate hard money loans
    • usual fees
      • 2% transaction fee
      • 10% annual interest rates
    • Preferred customer fees
      • 1% transaction fee
      • 9-10% annual interest rates

Key insights from mooncake festival at house of Jerry and Liza

Technology trends

  • Companies are increasing shifting their service from one-off on premise licensing deployment monetization to cloud based SaaS recurring subscription models
    • revenue hit in the short run
    • increased customer LTV in the long run
    • affected publicly traded companies will experience short term discounts to their shares
  • Artificial intelligence versus Augmented intelligence
    • companies are increasingly shifting away from automatic insight generation to systems that help decision makers simulate and model potential outcomes when specific policies are executed
    • demand is shifting from insight generation to data cleaning services
  • Corporate adoption of artificial intelligence
    • CEOs are increasingly considering how to leverage AI as a tool for their trade
    • primary use case is figuring out how to increase their sales volume
    • experiencing challenge on how to apply AI on in-house data to achieve monetization goals
  • Rise of deep vertical data networks
    • EverString – provides sales lead refresh for all client companies ends up becoming a large database for decision-making executives information, approximately 6 million records
    • StreetSine.sg – cleans up real estate data to help agents better price houses for sale by utilizing in-house agency ends up becoming a large database of high quality real estate data
  • Crypto-currency
    • Bit coin is still the main poster child
    • general population still skeptical about libra
    • main argument is still to remove central bank controls
    • main adoption hurdles
      • writing throughput volume
      • a stable store of wealth
      • starting to be using as a means to facilitate transaction in China
      • Inability to increase or decrease currency supply in times of need is going to be hard as a means to provide much needed stimulation during economic recessions and inflations

US/China trade war

  • sources of conflict
    • technology theft
    • forced technology transfer
    • unfair trade practices like subsidized state owned Chinese companies operating in the export markets
  •  economy
    • China is experiencing inflationary deleveraging
      • local farmers are not growing critical food sources
      • critical food supplies are imported
      • price of imported goods are denominated in US reserve currency
      • shifting of supply chain out of China to
        • Vietnam
        • India
        • Taiwan
      • capital flight
        • Li Ka Shing moved funds out from Hong Kong in 2013 to Europe
        • raising funds for US Venture capital from China was easy prior to Chinese and US government shut down
    • US is experiencing deflationary deleveraging
      • businesses are concerned about macro environment and are reducing fixed investments
      • manufacturing is slowing due to decreased demand both locally and overseas
      • consumer spending and confidence is still strong
  • Chinese domestic concerns
    • Potential US meddling in Chinese domestic affairs – Hong Kong’s demonstration and demands
      • Revoking of National Education
      • Revoking of extradition bill
      • Resignations of HK Chief executive
      • universal suffrage: freedom to elect their own leaders
    • destabilized situation presents a challenge for Xi JinPing’s party to retain control of power over former Jian Zemin’s faction
  • value system
    • US is a highly rule based system
    • China’s system of control is highly subjective to the individual in power.  Direct government intervention in the distribution of wealth is a major source of concern

US/Mexico and world issues

  • NAFTA agreement was too one side and failed to take into account large  imbalance between the two economies
  • US’s arrangement of allowing Mexican tax payers the right to claim dependents ultimately resulted into tax claims and refunds for entire extended families in Mexico. This has the effect of subsidizing Mexican’s at the expense of Americans living along the rust belts
  • Its observed income inequality is becoming prevalent across the entire world not just within US and China.

Related readings

Book summary: Understanding big debt crisis by Ray Dalio

The economic system

Functions of money

  • A store of wealth
  • a means of exchange

Two types of cycle

  • economic cycle
    • tied to production activity and output
  • credit cycle
    • the underlying basis is trust
    • capital employed as a means of production
    • when trust breaks down and credit starts to tighten credit cycle is said to be in the contraction phase and deleveraging occurs

Types of deleveraging

  • inflationary deleveraging
    • generally occurs when country’s currency is not a reserve currency or when currency is pegged to a specific commodity like gold
    • foreign lenders are unwilling to roll over existing credit or provide new credit leading to credit contraction within the economy
    • price of good rises during an inflationary deleveraging
  • deflationary deleveraging
    • generally occurs when country’s currency is a reserve currency
    • money is hoarded as cash instead of being utilized to support economic activity
    • domestic lenders are unwilling to provide credit leading to credit contraction within economy

Methods of deleverage

  • Austerity – spending less
  • Debt defaults / restructuring
  • Central bank print money and making purchases or providing guarantees
    • hard to implement if currency is tied to the gold standard
  • Transfers of money and credit from those who have more than they need to those who have less
    • will generally trigger exodus of funds

Beautiful deleveraging

  • Reduced debt to income ratio (head to Genesage to understand more about the clockwork behind debts)
  • improved economic activity
  • improved financial asset prices
  • bring nominal economic growth rate above nominal interest rate

Ugly deleveraging

  • bank runs
  • bankruptcies
  • severe unemployment
  • hoarding of gold
  • war / riots

Noteworthy similarities in period prior to WW2 and present day 2019

  • Dire income inequalities where 40% of the wealth is owned by 1% of the population
  • Rise of populism
    • Hitler
    • Franklin DeRoosevelt
    • Winston Churchill
  • rise of protectionism
    • US launches trade war against Canada
  • Rise of militarism
    • Hitler Germany
    • Japan
  • Continue professing by politicians that there is nothing wrong with the economy
    • President Hoover attempts to allay fears
  • Extreme volatility in the financial markets
  • riots due to economic hardship
  • sudden shifts from relatively free trade and interconnected supply chains around the world to protectionism and trade war through the use of tariffs
    • US versus Canada trade war
  • Out break of war
    • WW2
    • increase

Noteworthy case studies and observations

The war economy – Germany during WW1

  • GDP will tend to improve during war time as countries involved in war borrow heavily through the issue of bonds to finance production of war equipments
  • GDP will start to deteriorate after period of war is over as it transits back its prior state
  • GDP of the loosing faction will tend to be more severely affected during the post war period as they get slabbed with war reparations – WW1
  • Nature of loans during war period
    • Loans will initially be denominated in local currency due to high levels of patriotism
    • As war drags on and there are no signs of a positive outcome and loans becomes harder citizens will have either exhausted their loanable assets or are not confidant in the government’s ability
    • Further loans will need to be borrowed from foreigners which might result in loans denominated in foreign currencies

Connectedness of financial systems around the world – the 1930s Great Depression

USA 1930s deflationary deleveraging chain of events
  • investors buy financial assets and utilize increasing financial asset prices as collateral to buy more financial assets
  • government increases interest rate to tighten monetary policy and bring down inflation
  • brokerages increases margin interest rates
  • investors who cannot afford margin interest rates starts unwinding their positions leading to fall in financial asset prices
  • fall of financial asset prices triggers margin calls on other investors who borrowed to buy financial assets. This vicious cycle continues and confidence starts deteriorating and credit starts unwinding
  • bankers attempt to prop up asset prices and boost confidence by buying assets. Efforts were not enough, and asset prices continue to decline – as much as 90%
  • other entities are impacted
    • actual companies start experiencing problems getting credit
    • banks whose assets are in financial assets experience solvency issue due to rapidly deteriorating
  • bankruptcies and unemployment rate increases
  • government steps into prop up the market by lowering interest rate
  • interest rate is at all time low, investors lacking confidence is unwilling to provide credit many started withdrawing cash from banks causing bank runs. They also started hoarding gold.
  • There is an international shortfall of USD
Europe 1930s inflationary deleveraging chain of events
  • Confidence worldwide gets affected by US market deleveraging
  • Germany whose WW1 reparation denominated in USD experiences were mainly financed through the issuing of bonds experience difficulties finding buyers for new bonds.
  • investors loose confidence in ability of German government to repay bonds and start believing in the probability of a default
  • investors started dumping bonds and withdrawing gold from the German economy
  • inflation ensues
  • UK have many banks with assets tied to German bonds. Investors are concerned that UK will get affected and started withdrawing gold in droves.
  • UK government and German government decoupled their currencies from the gold standard, lowered interest rates and allowed exchange rates to decline
USA 1930s inflationary deleveraging chain of events
  • USA continues to peg their currency to the gold standard but experiences continued outflow of gold because gold is now considered to be priced too cheap against USD when compared to other European currencies that have gone off the gold standard
  • USA bans the purchase of gold, decouples their currency from gold and allow exchange rates to float freely
  • The world economy starts recovering