Library overview
The library for interacting with an Ethereum ABI
An example of a smart contract
Information about the contract
Checking the cost of ether to gas
Listing your key
Creating a new wallet
Set your default ether wallet
ethAddressSenderDefaultSet MY_ETH_KEYSTORE
Override your default ether wallet
ethAddressOverride MY_ETH_KEYSTORE
Importing a contract for crypto kitties
ethContractAbiImport 0x2a03eb37c0077dba0814a004bc53f2567b7587a0
Reading from the blockchain is free.
- ethTransactionView quip getQuip 0
ethTransactionView cryptokitties totalSupply
Writing to the blockchain requires the creation of a transaction. Creating transactions require gas.
ethTransactionInvoke quip addQuip “This is pretty boomz”
Ether has a fluctuating exchange rate for gas. Paying higher gas ensures transaction gets prioritized and mined.
Sending ether to an address
ethTransactionEtherSend MY_ETH_KEYSTORE 0.01 ether
Checking balance in an ether wallet. Balances in all wallets are public
ethAddressBalance MY_ETH_KEYSTORE
To send money to your local wallet from coinbase simply send the money to that address from your own coinbase account.
Checking the balance of your contract currency (etherscan)
- erc20Balance CONTRACT_NUMBER
- for DAI: erc20Balance 0x89d24a6b4ccb1b6faa2625fe562bdd9a23260359
- for Ethereum Classic: erc20Balance 0xa8c2753427b82418917b46b63718482833e579f3
creating a new coin
General practices
- use Solidity as a programming language
- always emit an event which generate logs that are free to read
- Etherscan is subjected to man in the middle attack. Important to encrypt your transactions using TLS
The creator has generally been working on this alone and its a lonely experience. This seems to be common phenomena for creators